• Data sources

    CFTC data

    Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Commitments of Traders data plotted onto a chart. This chart includes large open positions (long and short) of institutional traders in the futures market. The data is collected by CFTC each Tuesday, but is published each Friday at 2:30 PM EST, so there is a certain lag.  How to use CFTC data in forex trading Large positions that fall into CFTC data reporting requirements usually need some time to build and square. Despite a lag, this data is still valuable as an indicator of sentiment. Extremes and flips in positioning can indicate change of a trend and a growing number of contracts can suggest strength…

  • Data sources

    Interesting links

    Links to interesting sites and services which I like visiting from time to time. If you have any suggestions regarding any links that could be added, please feel free to e-mail me. Current Market Valuation – an interesting score index for US stock market valuation – based on six valuation models ,the site is calculating whether the market is undervalued to overvalued. Updated daily. Longtermtrends – a website that compiles and compares various data, current as well as historical, and presents it in a form of charts (eg. M2 money supply vs inflation). The charts are available for six asset classes: Gold, Stocks, Bonds, Real Estate, Commodities, and Crypto. Worldometers…

  • Data sources

    Links to central banks live streams

    Direct links to sites with central bank’s press conference’s streams: The Federal Reserve: https://www.youtube.com/@federalreserve/streams or https://www.federalreserve.gov however, YouTube works better for me Very useful for beginners – how to read FOMC statements by The St. Louis Fed European Central Bank (ECB) (you have to accept cookies for streaming to work): https://www.ecb.europa.eu/home/html/index.en.html Bank of England: https://www.youtube.com/@bankofenglanduk/streams Doves and hawks at FOMC, ECB and BoE Bank of Canada: https://www.youtube.com/@bankofcanadaofficial/streams Bank of Japan: they do not seem to have a YouTube channel and do not provide any link to video streaming on their website. When I need to watch the market during their conferences, I run a search and usually there is someone like…

  • Data sources

    Economic data

    Reliable sources for various types of economic data, from most popular to less-known indicators, current as well as historical. If you have any suggestions regarding the links that could be added, please feel free to e-mail me. Worldwide economic data: Database of OECD statistical data:  like “Monthly comparative price levels” for most countries in the world. Allows for current and historical data filtering and download Bank for International Settlements  statistics – lots of data on financial transactions, both current and historical Trading Economics – independent internet service with a vast database of economical indicators and data from all over the world. Historical FX pairs price data-base for download. It includes…