Data sources

Links to central banks live streams

Direct links to sites with central bank’s press conference’s streams:

The Federal Reserve: or however, YouTube works better for me

Very useful for beginners – how to read FOMC statements by The St. Louis Fed

European Central Bank (ECB) (you have to accept cookies for streaming to work):

Bank of England:

Doves and hawks at FOMC, ECB and BoE

Bank of Canada:

Bank of Japan: they do not seem to have a YouTube channel and do not provide any link to video streaming on their website. When I need to watch the market during their conferences, I run a search and usually there is someone like Reuters streaming it. If you know of any permanent link they stream under, please let me know via email. Of course, the conference is in Japanese, so I don’t understand a word, but since it is tentative I have it playing muted on my screen so I know when they start and when they finish 🙂 .


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