• General

    Five forex websites I use daily

    With the abundance of financial websites and services for forex traders, one can get easily overwhelmed by all the information and opinions around. On top of that, there is constant distraction caused by the ads blinking in every corner possible and the risk of being exposed to content not relevant to your trades that might throw you out of emotional balance (like breaking news about accidents, crime, dramatic photos, etc.) Over the years, I followed each major financial website on the market for a while, especially websites for forex traders like fxstreet, dailyfx, etc., and I would like to share my opinion on what’s worth your time. But before we…

  • Strategies

    System backtesting

    Trading can be a complex and challenging endeavor, with all the variables and factors one has to consider when making trading decisions. Developing a system that can reliably generate profitable trades over time is the most crucial aspect of it. When working on a system, it is essential to engage in backtesting (testing a trading system using real market historical data) to evaluate its effectiveness and potential profitability. System backtesting is very important for various reasons. A day or two spent on backtesting can give preliminary knowledge of whether the system is profitable or not. It allows to check the effectiveness of a system without risking any real money. Backtesting…

  • Data sources

    Interesting links

    Links to interesting sites and services which I like visiting from time to time. If you have any suggestions regarding any links that could be added, please feel free to e-mail me. Current Market Valuation – an interesting score index for US stock market valuation – based on six valuation models ,the site is calculating whether the market is undervalued to overvalued. Updated daily. Longtermtrends – a website that compiles and compares various data, current as well as historical, and presents it in a form of charts (eg. M2 money supply vs inflation). The charts are available for six asset classes: Gold, Stocks, Bonds, Real Estate, Commodities, and Crypto. Worldometers…